Where’s that Found?


While researching I’ve come across a lot of people referring to their gear by the burial it was based upon. I need to get used to seeing this and recognising the time and place it is from.

This is one website that may help.

It has a timeline of burials and a map of burials. It also has some PDF clothing guides.
According to this 10th century burials include Birka, Kostrup, Hedeby/Haithabu and Mamman.

Birka is in Sweden but the rest are in Denmark.

Here is a page about recreating a dress based on the fragment pictured above.

I like a lot of things about this, the cap is very cute with it’s little point and there’s not too many beads.

Author: cathelinaalessandri

I re-enact Florence in the year 1480.

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